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How to Plan a Rorate Caeli Mass


Friends, if you have never done a "Rorate Caeli" Advent Mass, it's not too late to schedule one.  It is a fantastic Advent tradition.  I'm excited to share with you a free crash course created by my friend and brilliant colleague, Jolene Nelson, that includes all the information you need to know about it, and all the free music resources you will need.   Jolene's video slide show explains the tradition in detail.  It's short and highly informative.

I quote here from Jolene's description: "A "Rorate Mass" is a traditional Advent devotion where Mass is celebrated by candlelight, accompanied by Gregorian chant in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary... Singing acapella is recommended to add to the quiet, reflective nature of the liturgy.

The first step is to find a weekday in Advent that is not already another feast. Then find a priest willing to celebrate a votive Mass of the Virgin Mary using the readings of the day. Then follow the resources below to plan the music. Godspeed, and thank you, Jolene, for helping to promote this beautiful tradition. Slide Show Here Music Resources Here

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